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Miniature Goats are members of the Caprine family. They are ruminants which means they are cud-chewing animals. Ruminants have four-chambered stomachs. The language of goats is called “bleating”. Male goats are called billies or bucks. Female goats are called nannies or does. Baby goats are called kids. It takes a female goat five months to have a baby. Miniature Goats have babies twice a year. Most nanny goats have twins, sometimes triplets. Baby goats are weaned at two months of age. Miniature Goats live up to 15 years. Miniature Goats are very affectionate and love to be talked to and brushed. They are very intelligent and easily learn to walk on a leash and can be taught tricks. They make great pasture mowers and weed eaters!
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