Sexing Guarantee

We have a 90% sexing guarantee. Please consider this before ordering and have a game plan if this should happen. For errors that exceed the guarantee, we will refund the pullet price up to the 90% guarantee. Sexing errors must be reported when chicks are at least 10 weeks old but no later than 18 weeks old.


Sexing a baby chick is not an exact science. No two chicks are identical. We use three sexing methods: color, feather, and vent. The method we use depends on the breed. The chicks are hatched and sexed the same day which means that they are very small and this sometimes leads to mistakes in what we are looking at. When you combine the sexing mistakes with human error and the 3 methods not being an exact science you are running a risk of getting a rooster (cockerel chick). The best we can do on an overall average of gender sexing is 90% accuracy.


The only three options you have for this is to keep him, butcher him, or re-home him. If you would like to keep him and reduce the noise you could try getting a No Crow Rooster Collar. They will help reduce the noise by about 70%. If you do not want to butcher him yourself, try contacting a local butcher shop. If you are going to re-home there are several places to check with “4H, FFA, college agriculture dept., a college science dept., feed stores, local farms, animal shelters, Facebook, Craigslist, or local newspapers. These are not all the options that you can use but they are a start.