Dark Brahma




n the chicken world, the Brahma chickens are known as the “gentle giants.” These peaceful birds were originally brought over from India by way of China. They were brought to the US in the mid-1800s. The Light and the Dark Brahma were both accepted to the American Standard of Perfection in its first printing in 1874.

Brahma is a favorite for those that enjoy the larger-bodied breeds. They mostly have white feathers with striking black and green sheen lacing around their necks, tails, and legs. The feathering on their feet and legs gives Brahma chickens a unique and even bigger appearance. Their feathering gives them the illusion of stomping around in big fluffy boots. Fully grown Brahmas females will reach about 9 1/2 pounds, and males can reach 12 pounds. Their size of the eggs is medium to large and they are brown.

Despite their large size and appearance, this particular breed is known to be very gentle. They make great pets and egg producers for farmers and families alike. Brahma chickens can be broody and they make wonderful mothers if given the opportunity. The Brahma breed does well within mixed flocks of other very passive breeds. They’re so docile they could be bullied if put with more active breeds


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