Assorted Peafowl Chicks



he Peafowl Cock has a long train of feathers that are uplifted into a fan position during courting. The hen does not possess the long train of feathers. They are good foragers on the ground but like to fly up into high trees to roost. They are hardy and easy to keep. Peacocks eat about the same feed as pheasants. Peafowl are slow to mature and will start laying around two years of age. The Peacock is the national bird of India and is known all over the world as a beautiful creature. The Peacock is a male and the Peahen is a female. Some like the very loud call of the male but some think it sounds very scary and neighbors have been known to complain.


  • Weights – Hen ——-6-8 lbs
    Cock—-8 -13 lbs
  • Purpose – Ornamental and feathers
  • Egg Color – Buff to white eggs
  • Egg Production – Poor 3-28 eggs per year starting in March
  • Country of Origin – India
  • APA: No
  • TLC: No


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